Cozumel Palace
Discover all-inclusive luxury above and below the water's surface at Cozumel Palace, a great choice for families and couples. A diver's paradise, explore the world's second-largest barrier reef-right off the dock. Plus get to know a town every bit as exciting right outside your door. And when it's time to rest and recharge, come back to elegant rooms, fine international dining, unlimited premium beverages, and so much more.
- All Inclusive
- Beachfront
- Kid Friendly
- Spa Services Available
Founded in 1959, Pleasant Holidays is one of the largest travel companies in the U.S., offering customizable vacation packages including flights, hotel and cruise accommodations, airport transfers and car rentals, exciting sightseeing tours and activities, travel protection coverage and more. Our vast portfolio spans the globe while featuring the world's most popular vacation destinations, including Hawaii, Australia, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, Cook Islands, Europe, Fiji, Japan &